YOU ARE INVITED TO DOWNLOAD THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3rd C.F.P.B. All presentations and publications of the conference are made available free of charge. To download, click on the below Volume title. Volume 1 Thirteen Invited Lectures covering different aspects of deep foundations: - Driven, bored, drilled and helical piles - Expander Body and Toe-Box piles - Effects of pile installation process - Static and seismic design of piled rafts - Static loading tests of piles - Dynamic loading tests of piles - Vibratory driving of piles and sheet piles - Retaining walls - Geotechnical field investigations for deep foundations - Deep foundations in Energy Geo-engineering
Volume 2 B.E.S.T Investigations - Bolivian Experimental Site for Testing - Test Evaluation Reports: SPT-T, SCPTU, SDMT, PMT - Interpretation of Seismic Tests - Interpretation of Geotechnical Parameters
Volume 3 Results of B.E.S.T Loading Tests - B.E.S.T. Results and Interpretations - B.E.S.T Prediction Hindsight Comments - General Paper - Errata - Volume 2
Copyright Information Manuscripts are published according to an exclusive publication agreement between the author and the conference organizer. The Copyright of all information (written and images) remain with the author(s). For reference, please use the following publication information: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Deep Foundations, held in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia from April 27 through 29, 2017.
Printed by Omnipress, Madison, WI, USA
© 2017, 3° C.F.P.B.